Oxford County is in the process of updating its Official Plan policies to allow for Additional Residential Units (ARUs) across the County. 

The Planning Act directs that municipalities enact policies and zoning provisions that authorize ARUs in, and/or on the same property as, low density housing types, such as single-detached and semi-detached homes. This is one way that communities can provide additional housing options and increase the overall housing supply.

Updates to policies for ARUs in Oxford’s rural areas (Townships of Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South-West Oxford and Zorra) are being considered together, while policies for the urban areas, including Ingersoll, Tillsonburg, and Woodstock, are being considered individually. Further details on the status of the development of policies in the respective areas of the County is provided below.

What are ARUs?

ARUs are smaller, self-contained dwelling units (i.e., with their own kitchen, bathroom and sleeping areas) that are inside, attached to, or in an ancillary building on same property as a primary dwelling, including single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and street fronting townhouses. ARUs can take many forms, such as basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must be smaller than the principal dwelling or residence.

additional residential units lover leverl or basement drawing, upper level, connected, in an accessory structure, inside princiapl dwelling and in an accessory structure

ARUs in Rural Areas

Amended Official Plan policies regarding ARUs in the rural areas of the County (Townships of Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South-West Oxford and Zorra) were adopted by County Council on February 8, 2023 (Official Plan Amendment No. 285).

Fact Sheets describing the policies and where to find further information are available for ARUs in Rural Settlement Areas and ARUs in Agricultural Areas.

Development of zoning provisions to amend the respective Township Zoning By-laws is complete as detailed below:

The Township of Blandford-Blenheim has amended the Township Zoning By-law with respect to ARUs and the provisions came into force and effect on July 5, 2023. The key requirements for ARUs are on pages 4-6 of By-law No. 2379-2023. For more information regarding Building Permits and other Township requirements for ARUs contact the Township of Blandford-Blenheim Building Department.

The Township of East Zorra-Tavistock has amended the Township Zoning By-law with respect to ARUs and the provisions came into force and effect on July 5, 2023.  The key requirements for ARUs are on pages 6-9 of By-law No. 2023-24. For more information regarding Building Permits and other Township requirements for ARUs contact the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Building Department.

The Township of Norwich has amended the Township Zoning By-law with respect to ARUs and the provisions came into force and effect on August 13, 2024. The key requirements for ARUs are on pages 5-9 of By-law 12-2024-Z. For more information regarding Building Permits and other Township requirements for ARUs contact the Township of Norwich Building Services.

The Township of South-West Oxford has amended the Township Zoning By-law with respect to ARUs and the provisions came into force and effect on July 11, 2023.  The key requirements for ARUs are on pages 6-8 of By-law No. 43-2023 .  For more information regarding Building Permits and other Township requirements for ARUs contact the Township of South-West Oxford Building Department

The Township of Zorra has amended the Township Zoning By-law with respect to ARUs and the provisions came into force and effect on May 17, 2023.  The key requirements for ARUs are on pages 5-7 of By-law No. 30-23. For more information regarding Building Permits and other Township requirements for ARUs contact the Township of Zorra Building and Drainage Department

In settlements with a municipal water system and/or a municipal sewage system, confirmation of servicing capacity is required prior to submitting an application for Building Permit for an ARU(s). Please complete Form F060 – ARU Sewage and Water System Capacity Confirmation Form and submit to County Public Works – Development Review for review.

ARUs in the Town of Ingersoll

County Council approved an Official Plan Amendment regarding ARUs on April 24, 2024 (see Report CP 2024-130) and Town Council passed By-law No. 24-5318 to amend the Town’s Zoning By-law on June 10, 2024. The zoning provisions are now in force and effect.

ARUs in the Town of Tillsonburg

County Council approved an Official Plan Amendment regarding ARUs on November 22, 2023 (see Report CP 2023-334) and Town Council passed By-law No. 2023-108 on December 11, 2023. The zoning provisions are now in full force and effect.

Further information is available on the Town of Tillsonburg website. https://www.tillsonburg.ca/business-and-development/building-and-renovating/additional-residential-unit/

ARUs in the City of Woodstock

County Council approved an Official Plan Amendment regarding ARUs (OP 23-09-8) on November 8, 2023 (see Report CP 2023-368) and City Council passed By-law No. 9645-23 to amend the City’s Zoning By-law on November 16, 2023. Further amendments to the Zoning By-law were made by By-law No. 9698-24 passed on July 11, 2024. The zoning provisions are now in force and effect.

If you have any questions regarding Additional Residential Units please email planning@oxfordcounty.ca for more information