Your 2024 County tax dollars explained

Woodingford LodgeYour annual tax bill issued by your local municipality (city, town or township) includes costs for services provided by Oxford County, your local municipality, and your local school board.

No matter where you live in Oxford County, the tax rate you pay for Oxford County services is the same.

In 2024 a residential home valued at $275,022 by Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) will pay about $112 a month – or $1,348 for the year – to maintain Oxford’s roads, waste facilities, social services, paramedic services (ambulance), provincial court, community planning, long-term care at Woodingford Lodge, the County library system (except in Woodstock) and more.

In Oxford County, many of our residents also have municipal water and/or wastewater services. Unlike other County services, these services do not receive revenues from property taxation but are fully funded by area-specific user rates.


By the numbers

For every $250,000 of assessed property value

Residential County tax

  • County: $1,113 (Total levy: $82,566,456)
  • Court Security: $2 (Total levy for Court Security: $82,936)
  • Library: $111 (Total levy for Library, excluding Woodstock: $5,223,742)

Total: $1,226


Notes: Understanding the numbers

Other Oxford County programs and administrative functions include County Council, CAO’s Office, Tourism, Human Resources, Community Planning, and Corporate Services, which encompasses Provincial Offences Court.

County Library tax is not applied in Woodstock because Woodstock Public Library is not a part of the Oxford County Library system.

County court security tax is not applied to Woodstock as it is collected to provide a grant that offsets a portion of court security costs already incurred by Woodstock Police Service for the Oxford County Courthouse located in the City of Woodstock.

The cost of Oxford County programs, services and infrastructure is shared across multiple funding sources:

  • residential, farmland, commercial, and industrial taxes
  • grants and payments from the provincial and federal government
  • fees collected from users or customers for some services
  • financial gains on Oxford County investments


2024 Tax Policy and Rates

2024 Tax Policy and Rates

*For an accessible version of this document, please contact Customer Service.