Construction update on upcoming noise generating activities

Construction work on the Norwich water tower continues this summer, including sandblasting to prepare the interior and exterior tank surfaces for re-coating. This next phase of work will begin on or about July 10 and extend through to the end of September.

Sandblasting generates significant noise and residents should be aware of the potential for noise during work hours. While the contractor for this project will take measures to insulate noise-generating equipment, this will not completely eliminate noise while we undertake the work of completely removing the existing coatings from steel surfaces. All work will be undertaken as outlined in the Township of Norwich Noise By-Law and is not currently expected to take place on weekends.

Re-coating the interior tank surfaces is critical for the long-term service life of the water tower, and by extension the water infrastructure for Norwich Township. Oxford County appreciates your patience as we work to complete this project.

Contact for information

Reuben Davis, P.Eng.
Supervisor, Engineering Services
Oxford County 
519-539-9800, ext. 3102

Rob Wiersma, P. Eng.
Project Engineer
GM BluePlan Engineering Limited
519-824-8150, ext. 1293