OCL app down
Please note that our Oxford County Library app is unavailable. This app will no longer be supported and you can remove the app from your device.
In the meantime, we encourage mobile users to save our catalogue to your device's home screen. You can follow these steps if you're an Apple or Android user.

Apple Users:
  1. On your Apple mobile device, go to ocl.bibliocommons.com
  2. Tap the “share” button
  3. In the drop-down, tap “add to Home Screen”
  4. Tap in the name field to remove unnecessary text and rename “Oxford County Library”
  5. Tap “Add”
  6. The app will now display on your home screen

Android Users:

  1. On your Android mobile device, go to ocl.bibliocommons.com
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right-corner
  3. In the drop-down, tap “add to Home Screen”
  4. Tap in the name field to remove unnecessary text and rename “Oxford County Library”
  5. Tap “Add” then “Add Automatically”
  6. The app will now display on your home screen