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Federal paper on reducing methane emissions

County Council is being asked to endorse staff comments on the proposed Government of Canada strategy, “Reducing Methane Emissions from Canada’s Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.” With municipal landfills responsible for about 23% of Canada’s methane emissions, the federal government is developing regulation to reduce landfill methane emissions and increase methane recovery (e.g., convert methane to energy).

Oxford’s comments on the paper are supportive, but also note that the final regulation must take into account the provincial regulatory requirements currently enforced in municipalities. It also suggests that the federal government standardize acceptable approaches to methane recovery and that an accompanying strategy for the diversion of organic waste from landfill is considered. The Council report notes the proposal aligns well with Oxford County’s organics resource recovery technology feasibility study, which is examining among other things how organic waste could be diverted from landfill and recovered for alternative waste resource applications.

PW 2022-23 – Reducing Methane Emissions from Canada’s Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Discussion Paper, Environment and Climate Change Canada


Tax policy

County Council will be asked next Council meeting to approve the by-law to set the County’s tax policy for the 2022 taxation year. In 2022, the average residential property tax bill will increase by $23. The typical farm-related property tax bill will increase by $40 in 2022.

CS 2022-12: 2022 Tax Policy By-law


Other reports and presentations

  • Delegation: Pod Community Support Program - Al Garland
  • Public meeting - Report CP 2022-148: Applications for Official Plan Amendment & Draft Plan of Subdivision - OP 18-10-8 & SB 18-11-8 Sierra Construction Woodstock Ltd.
  • Public meeting - Report CP 2022-149: Application for Official Plan Amendment OP 21-12-8 – 1991976 Ontario Inc.
  • CP 2022-147: Application for Draft Plan of Condominium and Exemption from Draft Plan Approval CD 21-04-8 – Uplift Property Developments
  • PW 2022-20: Contract Award – 2022 Road Resurfacing Improvements and Culvert Replacements
  • PW 2022-21: Fleet Procurement - Hybrid Light Duty Trucks
  • PW 2022-22: Contract Award: Woodingford Lodge HVAC Cooling Upgrade, Woodstock
  • PW 2022-24: Environmental Assessment Changes for Advanced Recycling Facilities, Environmental Registry of Ontario Posting No. 019-4867
  • PW 2022-25: Pattullo Industrial Park Wastewater Servicing - Alyea Sewage Pump Station Construction


Questions or comments?

Council this Week highlights Council activities for the public, employees and community partners. Please send your questions and comments to

Federal paper on reducing methane emissions, tax policy, and more